It's certainly been a busy time - wedding plans are full steam ahead, and while I've been working in the garden and continuing to"live simply" I haven't been writing about it.
So, here's what's new.
First of all, and this is something I'm super excited about, our friends are in a chicken co-op and they had trouble finishing all of their eggs. We asked if we could split their share with them in exchange for helping to buy feed and clean the coop when it's their turn. It's so nice to have fresh eggs! I'd been looking for a source for a while, ever since the Sierra Madre Farmer's Market closed and I couldn't find anyone who sold fresh eggs :(
Honestly, I don't know what's more fun - opening the carton of multi-colored, multi-sized eggs every other week or visiting the chickens. I like holding them - they're (surprisingly) so soft!
here I am with either Curry or Nugget and loving it. (photo by Daniel Lundgren) |
The community garden plot has been a
pea harvest |
lettuce in a pot |
slllooooowwww growing spinach in a pot |
I'm still hopeful that I'll be able to devote some time to the garden. I've decided to grow only beans at the community garden plot as the soil seems to be nitrogen deficient and they'll a) tolerate it and b) help it, at least until I get some finished compost. Now that J and I are going to be able to stay in the house I currently live in, I'm not worried about "what if we have to live in an apartment without a balcony and the only dirt we'll really have is the dirt at church?!" Our current house has a little yard and even though most of it is shaded there's still some space we could use to grow some veggies. Yahoo!
I bought some herbs, beans, calendula, and peppers at the store the other day. There were other seeds I'd wanted to try (like eggplant) but couldn't find them at the store.
Then a miracle happened at this week's Produce in the Park. As I was getting ready to take my chard and avocado and head home, a young man showed up with a 5 gallon bucket and a sheepish grin. He explained that he had bought a seed starting kit but no longer had any land to grow the veggies, so he decided to GIVE AWAY THE SEEDS at the produce exchange. Aaaah! It was a frenzy! He had at least 300 varieties of seeds - many of them rare and heirloom. (I told you it was a miracle!!) So now I have two varieties of eggplant, two more types of beans, okra, more peas, a couple of types of lettuce, black radishes (??), yucca (???), corn, amaranth, two types of onions, a belizian tomato, and cayenne pepper. No need to buy any more seeds this year!!! Thanks, buddy! Hopefully they take, and I can bring the harvest to the exchange and he can reap the benefit of his generosity!
There you have it; a snapshot of what's been going on in my world.
Stay tuned for a newspaper pot tutorial (featuring my dad and some baby tomatoes) coming soon!
Sis, I about cracked up when I read about the guy giving away seeds. You're such a gardening nerd. I love it :)
Oh! one more thing. You need some nitrogen fixing bacteria, ammonifiers, and nitrifies in your soil. Plants can only get nitrogen through nitrate, not atmospheric N2. So the nitrigen fixers take atmospheric N2 and turn it into NH4+ (which ammonifiers also produce when they process dead and decaying material). The nitrifiers take the NH4+ and turn it into NO3-, which your plants can then use as essential nutrients!
well if I'm a gardening nerd, then you are a full blown science nerd...did all of that info about nitrogen come from your head or your textbook?? Either way, I'm impressed!! :) xoxo
Wow, I am totally impressed by you. I don't think I could keep flowers alive. By the way, do you all still go to Foothill, or a different church? I like all your natural remedy for things....if I had more time, I'd be down too.
Thanks Cerissa! You could do it - it just takes practice. I go to a different church now, called Mountainside Communion.
It's fun keeping in touch through our blogs! :)
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