If there's one thing true about gardening, it's that it's always changing. Having a garden has been an exercise in embracing change without even realizing it; my favorite morning activities include (but are not limited to): checking my email, drinking tea, eating toast, and going outside (usually in my pj's, bathrobe, and gardening boots, to the probable dismay of my neighbors) to check on the plants.
Remember when we
toiled away this summer, digging up our yard? Here's what's happened since then:
the tall ones: peas and favas. next to the a/c: baby radishes. to the left of the path: garlic, onions, baby beets. to the left of the peas + favas: lettuce, arugula, chard. All those things in pots: kale, collards, broccoli |
my personal fave: the greens plot. oh homegrown salad is the BEST! |
a broccoli plant. I've been checking for signs of broccoli for days... |
do you see the baby broccoli inside? |
oodles and oodles of strawberries: 50 plants in all. |
the community garden plot. remember last year? almost exactly one year later + lots of homemade compost = a healthy garden: left & clockwise: peas, garlic, carrots, leeks, onions, kale, parsnips, radishes, chard, and in the middle beautiful purple borage flowers, bringing in the bees. |
the bees have found our fava beans, too. :) |